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Meet the Team behind J'Aton X Jaggad

Meet the Team behind J'Aton X Jaggad


The ‘Life Athletic’ journey began when current owners, including life long friends and ex AFL Football players Chris Judd and Steven Greene bought Jaggad in 2013. Acquired as a triathlon brand, it has flourished into the fashion-forward sports performance brand that it is today.

In an Australian first, Jaggad has combined talents with high-end couture label J’Aton Couture to create a unique, intrinsic collection of active wear.

J’Aton dressed Creative Director, Michelle Greene on her wedding day nearly ten years ago and Rebecca Judd has had a long standing friendship with Jacob and Anthony to this day. The relationship between all ignited the concept of this range being inspired by J’Aton and was a natural fit for all involved.

Rebecca states, “I’m so thrilled being able to work alongside Jacob and Anthony who have been a constant inspiration and support over my red carpet moments. I can’t wait to be able to wear their designs everyday!”

Imagery by Ed Purnomo Models: Ruairi and Linnea from London MGT.

Hair: Marie Uva from Uva Salon

Make-up: Caroline Daoud


Michelle & Jaggad designer Georgie Pizaro worked closely with Jacob & Anthony on this range, combining their design concepts to create a nine-piece capsule that takes on characteristics of highly beautiful garments, supporting the female physique but also performing to the elements you require from sportswear and physical activity.

This collection embraces and captures Jaggad’s ethos: being able to perform in all garments whether it be running, yoga, pilates, walking to a gym session whilst installing the aesthetic of J’Aton and its signature design lines and architectural elements. This collection aims to empower women, with philosophies of both Jaggad and J’Aton being to make a women feel confident in what they are wearing and in themselves, an ‘armour’ to feel protected and invincible.

Michelle comments, “J’Aton have the ability to transform the female silhouette through their designs, using cuts, drapes and lines that work to both accentuate or disguise certain parts of the body. This range incorporates these techniques giving women confidence knowing they are supported by apparel that concentrates on them looking and feeling their best.”

The main inspiration behind the design lines and printed garments for this JATON X JAGGAD collection comes from a dress featured in J’Aton’s closing look the VAMFF Vogue Runway fashion show in March 2016.

The J’Aton X Jaggad collection will be available online and in store at Jaggad stores and extended local retailer boutiques. The exclusive collection will be released for purchase on November 10 2016.

J'ATON X JAGGAD from Lisa Frieling on Vimeo.


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